Monday, May 31, 2010

everything in moderation

I was just going through the random thousands of files of photos I have saved on my computer when I came across some photos I'd saved of Agyness Deyn before she hit it big. You've come a long way, sweetie. You really have...

Some more attractive photos of her now...
Of course, she's not concerned about being "attractive". That isn't what fashion's about at all, either. After all, she recently made an appearance at Coachella sporting a black buzzcut.
With her best bud, designer Henry Holland.
I'm not saying she looks better "attractive"- the way most men would want her to be, all I'm saying is she's certainly gotten prettier since her awkward teenage years. I'm also glad that she's got her own style. That's really something I look for in a person, and she doesn't really give a crap what other people think of her.
First set of photos I cannot remember the source of because they were just saved on my computer, but the others came from here and here.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

current thoughts

5. These two CD's are simply phenomenal. The first, an oldie but goodie, the second, new, fresh, and hip. Buy them both.

The Moon & Antarctica by Modest MousehhhhhhhhhhhhhhBroken Bells by Broken Bells
4. The novel Paper Towns by John Green. We were assigned to read it in my English class. I've got to admit, I used to be an extremely avid reader, but lately, I simply hadn't had the attention span to get through a whole novel until reading this. I read it all in one day. It's a new, funny story of a male high school senior, Quentin, who's kind of an outcast. His next door neighbor, Margo, whom he's been in love with his whole life makes an impromptu appearance at his window one night. She informs him she needs help with some tasks she needs to complete. He obeys, of course, and they spend the night driving around Orlando performing various odd jobs that Margo insists on doing, no matter how dangerous, absurd, or pointless they may be, until the wee hours of the morning. The next day at school, Margo isn't there. Or the next day. Or the next. Now, Quentin must find Margo. Akskljifkweo4trkldwfsw buy it. Now.

3. I was recently looking through the photos on my phone. I came across a few photos I took of a subway sign a few weeks ago. Instead of the sign saying "Uptown & The Bronx", someone had put a sticker over the sign, so it read "Uptown & The Broncks". Guerilla form of street art? Me think so.

2. I would really like to own these Alexander Wang for Opening Ceremony zipper sunglasses. Please and thank you.


Photos from here, here, here, here, and here.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

new york road runners

Today my friend and I went to go see Exit Through the Gift Shop at the Sunshine Theater, a film we'd been dying to see for a long time. The movie begins with a man sitting in front of a graffiti-full wall, with various street-art apparatus materials and wood frames behind him. The man is wearing dark jeans and a black hoodie, and there is lamp in the shape of a monkey beside him. The only skin you can see of him is his hands, and his face is completely covered by the shadow of his hoodie. A deep, British accent begins to speak. He explains that the movie was originally supposed to be made about himself, Banksy, and a few other street artists, but that it turned out to be an egotistical feature about the filmmaker, Thierry Guetta, a.k.a. "Mr. Brainwash". The movie takes us on a rollercoaster of laughs, amazement, shock, and awe. Viewers will be dissapointed that it isn't as much about Banksy as they thought it would be, but it is completely and 100% still worth it. Seeing the movie has also slightly motivated me to become a street artist. Is that bad?

Friday, May 28, 2010

a biscuit affair

Feast your eyes on Gaga's culinary skills!
I haven't been feeling all that inspired lately, and school's almost done and I haven't had much time for posting. No worries, though, lots and lots of glory-full posts to come. I did just use glory as an adjective...?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


New Seattle duo with a name that only a certain number of people can get away with saying without getting laughed at. The producer half, Tay Sean, 21, calls the group "space-age funk" and/or "neo-soul funk-jazz hip-hop". Call it what you will, but enjoy listening to it first.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

you do you and let me do me

Last week, my friend Leila and I visited the Museum of Modern Art. We were disappointed when we had found that the Tim Burton exhibition had closed, but our regrets were soon forgotten when we stepped into the William Kentridge one. The show consisted of mostly charcoal drawings and animated films using them. His work, yet humorous, also focuses on serious political messages. I highly recommend it.

Above, Leila and I fooling around in front of the projectors.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

there's no shortcut to a dream

The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival started in 1999, was semi-succesful, but regardless, they didn't make any profit. The next year there was no festival due to budget issues. The next few years, they scraped together enough money to have a few more festivals, but they weren't all that successful all at once, but rather, they formed a sort of cult following. Today, the Coachella Music Festival is one of the most successful music festivals of today. This year's festival took place April 16-18, in Indio, California, and its line-up included such acts as:


Vampire Weekend

The xx


She & Him


Passion Pit

Grizzly Bear


Dirty Projectors


Beach House

That's only about a quarter of who played. Other acts included De La Soul, Fever Ray, Whitest Boy Alive, Yo La Tengo, Die Antwoord, MGMT, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Matt & Kim, and many, many more. I wish I had been there!

Photos thanks to Pitchfork.